20 March, 2008


This morning on the subway, I hid from someone I knew.

Oh, please - don't pretend like you've never done it. Yes, of course I felt guilty, but I also didn't feel like I had the energy to engage in a full-on conversation with someone I went to college with several years ago and haven't talked to since - all that "what are you up to? what have you done lately?" can be so consuming when all you want to do is have a peaceful commute to work.

It happens on the train - when you choose to sit in that seat that only allows the person to see the back of your head. On the street - when you cross to the other side, even though it's a bit out of your way. In the office - when you schedule your day so that you don't have to run into that certain someone. It even is more common and less "calculating" than that - when someone leaves you a voicemail and you don't call them back; when you ignore that e-mail; when you claim not to have received that txt message.

Avoidance is everywhere. Perhaps all of us have a little plastic Toy Story dinosaur in us, anxiously yelling "I don't like confrontation!"

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