Wife. Mother. Lover of the arts. Libra to the core. Constantly trying to find balance.
31 May, 2009

I am in love with Pixar. I'd like to start a Pixar collection. Every single one of their movies that I've seen is amazing - the animation is awesome, the characters are so interesting and well-defined, and the best part is always the story: inventive, sweet without being too sentimental, and ORIGINAL. In these days of jukebox Broadway musicals and remakes of TV shows, it is encouraging to know that at least Pixar will consistently bring new & wonderful things to the world of entertainment. Go see UP.
30 May, 2009
* I was trying to understand us as a family even as we were actively changing...
* I had, as I always do in these situations, asked my dad if this was possible, and he had, as he generally does in response, done nothing to dampen my enthusiasm. Anything's possible. This is what good fathers tell their children.
* Growing up is the process of imitating who you think you're becoming.
* She could have married for anything she wanted. But she'd married for love, and this is the sort of sweet trouble that comes from that decision... it leads them into the thick of disorder with only each other to find a way out.
* An attic above, for the mind, and a cellar below, for the soul.
* There are few more deeply intimate relationship in human life than marriage. A marriage is, after all, not two separate people coexisting, but rather one unit comprised of two formerly separate unites, just as water is something distinctly different from hydrogen and oxygen.
* If you give the wind a name, do you control it? No. Of course not. This is the hubris of the human race.
* It's in the most mundane truths: that life goes on, that plans are for fools, that children grow up too fast.
* This is what it means to be a family; this is what it means to be home. To be complete in a place that will always be unfinished.
29 May, 2009
+ Long-Time-Twice-My-Age-Producer
+ Me
Intense Conversation About The Budget
I'm trying not to let any pride swell my head, as my boss has trusted me with handling this tricky meeting all on my own. And I'm also trying to convince myself I can live up to that trust and come through successfully!
Perhaps the night out ahead with delicious BBQ and good friends will be a sweet reward to the end of what looks to be a challenging day.
28 May, 2009
27 May, 2009
25 May, 2009
You just have to make the very best of it.
And you have to open your heart
to what the world can show you.
And sometimes it's terrifying.
And sometimes it's incredibly beautiful.
And I'll take both, thanks."
24 May, 2009
I am blessed beyond measure to believe in Something Bigger. That belief started as a seed planted by my parents, grew with my own knowledge and faith, continued to expand as family and friends shared their beliefs... and I now have seeds of my own to plant - fruit from the Tree, rooted in a Love that passes all understanding.
Oh sure, there have been seasons when the growth was hardly noticeable or even completely dormant. But that tiny ember which can reignite the fire was never fully extinguished, (thank goodness!) and that firey belief is now full of warmth and comfort.
To have faith in Something Bigger than just yourself - whether it is Family, Love, God - is incredibly powerful. And to have the chance to share that faith in Something Bigger with someone other than just yourself - someone who is Family and Love - is nothing short of a miracle.
23 May, 2009
20 May, 2009
This is the new show at Roundabout's Laura Pels Theatre. We're loading in today (so it's really happening). The theatre will be busting at the seams with turntables, a huge cast, over 50 costumes, some wigs, live music, a "pit" in one of the dressing rooms, 3 giant periactoids, and the Maple Leaf Rag.
17 May, 2009
14 May, 2009
Preach it to the congregation, brother.
13 May, 2009
I'm usually pretty good with quotes... but I'm not sure who said this, nor am I sure that this is the actual quote. Regardless, I was thinking about this idea recently and this was the saying that kept creeping into my mind. To feel that you have a responsibility to those around you, and even the world, to return the favor, to share the wealth... especially in those times when you are particularly wealthy.
And I don't necessarily mean monetarily (although I do feel that is what the original intention of the quote was). I also mean when you have a wealth of knowledge, and you are responsible to help educate others. Or when you have a wealth of opportunity, and you are responsible to open any doors you might be able to open - even a crack - for those around you who might not have those opportunities, or might not see them. And when you have a wealth of happiness. Especially then.
When you are almost to the point of bubbling over with the joys of life there is simultaneously a feeling, a need to spread that wealth. To not be so selfish as to keep all of that happiness to yourself, but to open your arms wide to the world and rush forward with nothing but smiles. This is the responsibility I feel now. The responsibility to not be selfish. And the responsibility to share with as many people as I can the incredible joys.
10 May, 2009
What I'm learning is that even though there are good things happening, it can still feel a bit overwhelming and stressful. A Jam, a first rehearsal, a reading, a friend's show, a car rental, a weekend road trip, a dinner with a new dress, a fancy horse-race complete with fancy hat, a final performance, a closing night party...
I'll need to remind myself this week to take each day, each moment as it comes. To be present, to be present, to be present.
09 May, 2009
07 May, 2009
My first reaction is to get defensive (a primitive reaction) and I can feel my breath quicken and my pulse begin to race. Luckily there's usually a wonderful filter that keeps me from saying anything too immediately - and I'm able to perk up my ears and listen to the advice being given.
A list that has served me well - and will continue to do so:
A) Listen
B) React
The other way around usually causes more problems than it's worth. And a small bruise to the ego, plus increased knowledge of self and of my job, is a small price to pay to become a better manager.
06 May, 2009
05 May, 2009
A few choice quotes from Daniel Quinn's ISHMAEL:
* Five fingers to not make a hand.
* To a mind ready for mythology, he was the beginning of what is meant by godlike. He had twice made a brief appearance in my life – and twice, with a single utterance, had transformed me.
* He began to speak to me as one speaks to the wind or to the waves crashing on a beach, uttering that which must be said but which must not be heard by anyone.
* Mere acquaintanceship leaves me unsatisfied, and few people are willing to accept the burdens and risks of friendship.
* If you are still then you will be better able to hear.
* He looked at me as if I were a roach he was sure he’d killed a week ago.
* I see what you’re getting at… it isn’t the tale you tell that counts, it’s the way you actually live.
* That’s not good enough. The fact that something is not a waste of time does not inspire me to do it.
* I let it go. What the hell, he knew what I was trying to say.
* Someone else would have handled it differently, probably better, revealing a greater heart, a finer sensibility.
* To call it daunting is like calling the Atlantic damp.
02 May, 2009
One other note. I think that life can be hard, and it can be cruel and dispiriting, so I want to be a soft place for him. I want to be a source of endless support. I let him know that I believe in him, that I adore him, that, to me, he's the most important person in the world. Perhaps that sounds old-fashioned or even anti-feminist, but I don't think it's about gender at all, and besides, he does the same for me. I think that when you find your partner, it's essentially your job to be their soft place in the world, similar to what you would be for a child. Everybody needs that, even us grown-ups.