17 February, 2008


A beautiful Sunday sermon this morning from Mother Johanna (love her!) who leads a small church community in my neighborhood. She talked about the difference between INVERSION (to turn something upside down) and CONVERSION (to turn something around).

Conversion does not have to mean being "born again" or re-inventing all your beliefs and ideas. But it can be an intense personal experience... if you let it. It's a moment of union with God - God the Father, or God your Self, or being at One with the Universe. That union can come about suddenly, unexpectedly, fiercely in one singular & defining moment - or it can subtly & calmly emerge in a day-by-day, gradual evolution.

Either way, I find that this personal conversion has less to do with the head and more to do with the heart. In a recent particular sudden & unexpected moment, I found myself grasping to understand with every intelligent thought in my head what was going on in my life - and why at that time it felt like everything I ever knew was being turned upside down. It was not until I embraced what I could not comprehend and opened my heart to acceptance that I was able to truly know that that time was a moment of deep conversion for me.

I like the idea of turning something around. Even when you're sometimes unprepared, you can come out on the other side with a new perspective and a fuller appreciation.

1 comment:

  1. Inverson and conversion both require you to look at things differently... To see things anew... The situation hasn't drasticly changed, but your perspective has... You have a fresh vision... a new start. I saw a bumper sticker that said "You don't have to change the way you look, just the way you see."
