08 March, 2008


Warmish. Rainy. Windy.
Spring is coming...

And tonight we'll be so excited to reach the next sesason, to be out of the dolldrums of winter, that we'll skip an entire hour to get there faster. A simple turning of the clock's hands and it's midnight instead of 11pm - as if time is so easily manipulated that it means nothing.

I suppose I won't really miss that hour - well, I might for the first few moments tomorrow morning, when I'd really like those 60 minutes back again so I can sleep through them - but on the whole, although we lose an hour, I won't feel as though I've really lost anything.

Time is funny that way. It is painfully long and surprisingly short all at once. It can be on your side or wear you down. It isn't something tangible, but we give much weight and authority to it. And if we're not careful, it can take precedence over the more important things in our lives.

To that end, I give up this hour tonight freely - to the gods, to the universe... and I wonder - where does that time go?

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