24 March, 2009


I gave up alcohol for Lent. Now, although I would not consider myself a Catholic, I have always loved the Lenten Season: giving something up, purging, cleansing, purifying, doing something for a higher purpose.

I didn't think giving up alcohol would be hard. I didn't have my first boozy drink until my sophomore year in college. And I wouldn't have considered myself a "drinker" per se. But over the past few years, I've really come to enjoy a variety of beverages of the alcoholic persuasion: hard ciders, amaretto & orange juice, and my particular favorite - a glass of red wine.

Although I still go to the bars during this time, and have stayed up way past my bedtime with friends who are out until 2am on a school night, my recent drink of choice has been the L.A.D. (cranberry & seltzer). And though there are moments when it's actually a challenge to say no to a full bodied shiraz... I am very glad to be reminded of my Lenten vow - and to know that in that moment, what I am really doing is taking a breath & remembering the reason for this choice - and I am grateful for the challenge.

1 comment:

  1. You're a much better person than I am. I too gave up alcohol for Lent and it is KILLING me! I've learned trying to open a show without wine is a near impossible feat.

    I'm trying to be more thoughtful about it and remember that there's a reason behind this sacrifice, but come April 12, I will be happy to celebrate Easter with jellybeans and Miller Lite. :)
