Okay, okay. So our version is a FAR cry from going out into a field with your handsaw and chopping down the biggest fir you can find! But this weekend we'll be getting our Christmas tree - probably from a guy with a tree-stand on the corner near a deli (ah, the NYC charm of it all) - and I'm really looking forward to it. It's been a few years since I've had a real tree - or any tree for that matter - in New York. I can't wait to be able to smell the pine needles in the corner of our apartment; to arrange our furniture so the tree will fit; to re-discover the ornaments and decorate it with lights; to have some holiday cheer right in our living room. And then the best part - to be able to come home, sit on the couch with only the twinkling tree lights casting a glow over the room, with a hot beverage in hand and a book or soothing music nearby... and just be.
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