20 March, 2010



"Above all, remember that we are not working for perfection, but only for improvement. Watch for the little improvemements, and when you find them, relax and have faith in your ability to improve further."

This quote is from CHILDREN: THE CHALLENGE, a surprisingly "on the nose" parenting book from the 1960's written by Rudolf Dreikurs.  But what I love most about it is not the suggestive parenting method of the words, but the reminder to embrace those words as an adult, too.  So often (at least for me) if the perfection is not attained, I feel I have failed.  How nice to think of it in this refreshing way instead.  To have faith in your ability to improve further.  I like that. Very much.

1 comment:

  1. I love what this and all of your posts have to say. We all need a reality check when it comes to what we should strive for daily...just a little bit of progress. Every day is a challenge to show growth or improvement, but we have to at least try to fight! Thank you again for your messages!!!
