03 November, 2011

Dear Matt/Jess/Amy

Today I'm sending a special thanks to Matt, Jessica, and Amy. These 3 amazing peeps work at BBB and they do an awful lot to promote the shows we produce at our theatre (not to mention all the other shows they work on, too!). I get emails from them at least once a day - and often times more - updating me on any/all press related to the show I'm working on at the current moment... interviews, live radio chats, reviews, special mentions, video clips, you name it - if it's press that's out there about our show, these 3 hardworking souls probably made it happen.

But they do so much more than that. They connect. They create. They care. It seems like it's not just "a job" to them, but a passion for theatre and the desire to help spread the word about a great show, or create a unique opportunity for an actor, or solidify the message of a company. And what they do can't possibly be an easy task. Do you realize how many shows there are in the New York area competing for attention? I don't have the numbers in front of me, but it's safe to say: A LOT. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to work with such a great team.

To Matt, Jess, and Amy: thanks for going that extra mile, for usually making us chuckle with your witty senses of humor, and for genuinely caring about theatre... we need more people like you!

30 DAYS OF THX project inspired by ThxThxThx (#30daysofthx)

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