20 August, 2008


I found myself at lunch today with two people.

Two people I look up to. Two people I admire. Two people who make me laugh with crazy stories of this theatre industry I love so much. Two people who are older than me but who have never treated me as any younger. Two people who have a close friendship and who have fully accepted me into their world. Two people who have taught me many things. Two people from whom I will continue to learn much.

And at some point between the cackling laughter and the grimaces of frustrations we could all relate to... I looked up at the two of them and realized that I was suddenly on equal footing. No longer peaking over the edge of the fence, wondering if I could play too. But a co-worker, a peer, a colleague.

And boy, did that fill my heart with pride. And humble respect for the grand scope of their responsibilities... OUR responsibilities.

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