01 September, 2008


Here's what I don't like about being sunburnt...

* that tingly, burning sensation * the physical heat that comes from the burnt skin * the lovely lobster-pink coloring * the fact that it's uncomfortable to wear a bra * (or anything else really) * forgetting that your thighs are burnt * and then laughing so hard that you slap them * and then writhing in your self-inflicted pain * realizing you have a mosquito bite on a sunburnt area * and then deciding whether it's worse to scratch it or live with the itch * trying to figure out what clothes you can wear tomorrow that will be both appropriate for work and not painful

Here's what I like about it...

* the physical reminder of why you're sunburnt * remembering that you got it while hanging out at this beach for the weekend * with seven other beautiful women * missing them all already even though you've only been home for a few hours * and thinking about how you can't wait to celebrate with them again in just over a month

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