28 November, 2008


This is one of those memories that I think might be true, or might be imagined, but I think it's true... when I was younger, my cousin said for a while "Lucky Thanksgiving". The reason being that there was already Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas - so Thanksgiving deserved it's own word, too.

I think Lucky Thanksgiving is very fitting, for I always feel pretty lucky on that day. Yesterday was a beautiful, indulgent, long day filled with baking and cooking and old friends and new friends and wine and cider and an evening walk and movies and bad TV and too much dessert and lots to feel lucky for.

I missed being with my family on that day of giving thanks - but as the five of us held hands around our Thanksgiving table and each expressed what we were grateful for, I felt so blessed and incredibly lucky to be able to spend my Thanksgiving with my New York family.

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