There's this amazing thing in New York... maybe in other parts of the country as well, who knows?! It's called "wash & fold". You take your multiple loads of laundry - which have been piling up since you moved over 2 weeks ago, to the extent that doing it yourself seemed quite overwhelming - to a laundromat. And then you LEAVE it there. And the next day, you pay only a few more dollars than it would've cost in quarters to do a dozen loads yourself, and you pick it up. When you get it home and open the bags... THIS AMAZING GIFT is what you see: the laundry is folded. It is arranged by item - towels together, undergarments together, shirts are almost pressed into a perfect fold. It is even vaccum packed.
This is definitely an indulgence along the same lines as the mani/pedi... really wonderful when you really need it.
You have moved?? What 'hood? Can we (no matter where you live) have a visit soon?