20 January, 2010


With a morning doctor appointment, lunch in Union Square, a trip to the Best Buy to (fingers crossed!) fix my laptop, and a late-afternoon second doctor appointment... it seemed best to spend the day in the city, rather than travel back and forth on the subway all day.

So, I'm hanging out at The Vineyard today. And it's just like old times. I can hear the bustle of many activities and the overlap of multiple conversations throughout the office. Bits and pieces of information. Someone calling someone else's name over the "wall" to help with a project. Interns learning the ropes. And the set for the new show being built in the theatre just a few feet away.

Among all the work, there's laughter and jokes. There will be coffee breaks and weekend stories. Friendly chatter combined with designing and proofreading and spreadsheet-making. And I feel right at home here. And a little homesick as well.

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