30 November, 2011

Dear Jonathan

Today I'm sending a special thanks to my husband: Jonathan. It feels perfect to be ending my 30 DAYS OF THX with a note to this amazing man. I can hardly believe it was only a few years ago that we began our journey together - and what a wonderful road we've been on since then. It is an incredible feeling to love and to be loved so dearly, so honestly, so confidently. It is a rare and beautiful gift; we both have truly been blessed by each other.

Jonathan compliments me (and hopefully I do the same for him). He encourages me to think harder about things, to explore ideas with him, to do more of the things that I love. He teases me in a way that makes me laugh and "keeps me honest", as he says. I feel proud to be by his side, whether at a fancy event for work or just for a walk around our neighborhood. Words fall short when I try to describe my love for him. And in addition to the gift of himself, he also gave me the most beautiful daughter; it has been an honor and a joy to raise her together and to watch her grow into a stunning little person.

To Jonathan: thanks for being who you are and for loving me... here's to many more years of our journey together. I love you so much.

30 DAYS OF THX project inspired by ThxThxThx (#30daysofthx)

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