10 November, 2011

Dear Petrowkskis

Today I'm sending a special thanks (and a special gift) to the Petrowski Family.When I was in middle school, my mom's brother "Uncle Jerry" married a lovely woman named Margot. They met in California and when Jerry brought her home to Ohio for the first time - at Christmas - I thought Margot was the coolest person on earth. She had a great smile, a wonderful laugh, and even showed me how to put on make-up! Their wedding was in California, too, which meant our whole family got to go there - my first time on an airplane - and we went to Disneyland and everything was amazing.

Jerry & Margot and their two incredible daughters, Noelle & Jillian, still live on the west coast - in Oregon now - and we don't get to see them nearly enough. But what always amazes me about family is that, no matter the distance, the love we feel for each other still abides... and it's only intensified during those rare and wonderful occasions when we do get to be together. Now I'm the person who says things like, "Oh my goodness, you're so big!" when I see Noelle (in college) and Jillian (in high school). Those two gals are pretty cool.

To Jerry, Margot, Noelle & Jillian: thanks for being a wonderful part of our family... I think of you often and miss you always.

30 DAYS OF THX project inspired by ThxThxThx (#30daysofthx)

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