12 January, 2008


Having spent the majority of my day moving boxes, (one by one!) it's a beautiful thing to sit down, induldge in some great music, and take a few moments to reflect.

I really enjoy the process of moving. Packing up all my belongings. Taking stock of what's important, and what things I can purge. Finding old, interesting items that I'd completely forgotten about. And then giving them all a new home - finding out just where everything fits. I talked to myself all day, asking "Does this go here? Does it look good? Does it work?"

Aside from the physical aspects of moving, there's another side which I also enjoy - but am always a bit anxious about: the emotional impact. Taking stock of what's important, and learning what worries I can purge (or new ones that come up without encouragement!). Rediscovering old, interesting feelings that rise up at the excitement of it all (and the un-sureness, too). And then finding new ways to deal with and express these emotions.

I'm discovering that there's a particular surge of emotional vulnerability that comes with moving into your very own place... well, at least there is for me. This freedom and independence comes with a responsibility to myself that I've not had before. And somewhere inside that vulnerability (or perhaps through it, beyond it) lies a new confidence and a lightness that I'm still seeking.

Perhaps it's hidden in this new place. Olly, Olly Oxen Free!*

*"Olly olly oxen free" is a phrase used in children's games, which is generally used to indicate that people who are hiding (in a game of hide and seek, for example) can safely come out into the open.

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