08 January, 2008


My very pregnant sister-in-law went into the hospital tonight to be induced. With any luck (and much hard work on her part!) there should be a new baby in our family soon!

I'm dedicating my time tonight to thinking of and praying for her.

She's a few years younger than me, married to my "little" brother, and already has an amazing 6-year-old boy (not to mention a full-time job as a nurse and aspirations of going back to school and getting another degree). I am truly in awe of her sometimes - our worlds are just so different. I am blessed to have her as part of my life.

I'd appreciate it if you'd take a moment to offer up prayers or blessings or thoughts to whatever Higher Power or Self or God you believe in...

For a smooth delivery.
For a healthy baby.
For the mother.
For a new father!
For an excited big brother.
For an abundance of LOVE each step of the way.

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