01 May, 2010

90 DAYS (a third time)

A while back I wrote a 90 DAYS blog.  And after that I wrote a 90 DAYS reprise.  Today is our daughter's 3 month birthday and it makes me reflect on that 90 day cycle yet again.

So much has happened in these past 90 days - giving birth, visiting family, learning to parent, leaning on each other (well, let's be more honest, clinging to each other) for support, going back to work, fitting back into my clothes, getting engaged, planning a wedding... it's all too much sometimes!

Too much of a good thing, that is. 
And I've heard you can never have too much of that.

Here's to whatever the next 90 days may bring...

1 comment:

  1. WOW! It's hard to believe your little blessing is 3 months old already. We can't wait to see her again next month! It all happened in the blink of an eye... Now that you realize how quickly Graces grows and changes, I hoe you are savoring every moment...
    even the 3 a.m. moments... We love you all xoxo
