24 November, 2011

Dear Mom & Dad

Today I'm sending a special thanks to my Mom & Dad: Patricia & Michael Ayers. In the same way I feel about my daughter, there are barely words enough to describe how grateful I am for my parents. I am so thankful to have been born to these two wonderful people; for this very wonderful gift of life that they have given me.

They have always shown me kindness and love, taught me responsibility and to have a good work ethic. They are examples of tireless giving. They are examples of love and light. They have also fostered this feeling of gratitude in me: being thankful themselves for their many blessings and always showing me that it's important to be grateful. If you've met them, you know what I'm talking about... everyone who meets them instantly knows how truly special they are.

To Mom & Dad: thanks for teaching me all of these things and more... and for always being there, no matter the distance. I'm so proud to be your daughter and I love you more than I can say.

30 DAYS OF THX project inspired by ThxThxThx (#30daysofthx)

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