23 November, 2011

Dear Grace Elizabeth Ayers Waller

Today I'm sending a special thanks to my daughter, Grace. She is wonderful beyond words. It's honestly difficult for me to describe how much I love her. She melts my heart with her beautiful smile and gorgeous long-eyelashed hazel eyes. She cracks me up with her funny sense of humor and her belly laugh. She warms my soul with her sweet hugs and kisses. She makes me proud just by waking up each morning and saying, "Hi, Mama!"

I want so many things for her. I want her to have whatever she wants, but to also know the value of working for what she wants. I want her to have good friends and loving relationships and rewarding jobs. I want her to know and value her family. I want her to explore every passion she has. I want her to make her own mistakes and learn how to do it better the next time. I want her to have a full and fulfilling life.

To Grace: thanks for coming into our lives... you are the best present ever.

30 DAYS OF THX project inspired by ThxThxThx (#30daysofthx)

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