26 January, 2008


"... relieved that he had again evaded the impending threat of human intimacy, of friendship, and all the messy emotional baggage that comes with it."
- INTO THE WILD, Krakauer

"... that's not the hardest part, the hardest part is loving somebody who cares for you."

These thoughts fascinate me - and worry me. The fact that there are those who seem to prefer closing down, putting up the emotional wall, rather than facing the intimacy of relationships.

Yes, sustaining a love between two people can be hard.
Yes, it can be messy and emotional.
Yes, there is work involved.

And there is also great joy.
And there is also comfort and reliability.
And it is also always worth the risk.

They say that the human body doesn't remember pain. Perhaps that's why we will always attempt to love again, no matter how wretched the heartbreak was before.

"... and so it turned out that only a life merging with the life around us is a genuine life - an unshared happiness is not happiness at all." - DOCTOR ZHIVAGO, Pasternak

"... there are no events but thoughts and the heart's hard turning, the heart's slow learning where to love and whom - the rest is merely gossip, and tales for other times." - HOLY THE FIRM, Dillard

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