17 November, 2011

Dear Dennis

Today I'm sending a special thanks to Dennis. Dennis and I met our freshman year of college back in the late 90's and I'm incredibly happy that we are still close friends more than a dozen years later. He was one of my first real college friends, which is so crucial when you're in a new place and away from everyone you've ever known for the previous 18 years of your life. We lived together in college and for a handful of years after that, when we first moved to New York. In fact, if we'd stayed in one place while we lived together all those years, I'm pretty sure we could be husband and wife under Common Law. Needless to say, we're pretty tight. (Do people still say that? Or have I just dated myself to Early 90's Slang?)

Dennis has been with me through almost every diet fad, a string of unsuccessful relationships (and even a few unsuccessful friendships), several different apartments, and even a few jobs. He taught me how to cook and nurtured my love for food (although I will never love the Food Network with quite the same passion that he has). He is and always will be "Uncle Dennis" to my daughter and a best friend to me... no matter where our lives may take us.

To Dennis: thanks for being my friend... in the words of [title of show], "It can be really scary being the new kid. (I bet.) I bet you bet. (I do. I bet.) I also wanna say that after all we've been through, I'm so glad we've met."

30 DAYS OF THX project inspired by ThxThxThx (#30daysofthx)

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