18 November, 2011

Dear Kristen

Today I'm sending a special thanks to Kristen. Kristen is a rock star. And I don't use those words lightly. She is a good friend from college (we lived together our first year in New York... with Dennis, too) and even though we still live only a few blocks from each other in Queens, I don't see her nearly enough. She inspires me with her constant efforts at self-improvement and self-fulfillment... two things that are important to me, as well, although she seems to have a much better sense of will power than I do.

Kristen has a great sense of fashion and has created a personal style all her own. She is learning to play the guitar. She sings in a band. She always has an incredible hair-do. (See, I told you she's a rock star.) But more than that, she goes for what she wants in this life. And that is what truly makes me love her.

To Kristen: thanks for being an inspiring friend; you're awesome... I can't wait to see where life will take you (or where you will take it!).

30 DAYS OF THX project inspired by ThxThxThx (#30daysofthx)

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