21 November, 2011

Dear Nick

Today I'm sending a special thanks to Nick. Nick is my right hand man at work, but more often than not I feel like I could be his right hand man (er... woman). He's been at the theatre a few years longer than I have and he seems to know everything. I mean, Every Thing. Almost any time I have a question about anything, Nick already has the answer. He has a memory like an elephant (and as an animal-lover, I hope he appreciates the comparison!).

Nick anticipates the needs for the production; he takes care of the actors like he's their surrogate dad for the few months they're with us; he knows the building inside and out (better than he'd probably like to know it). He's truly a pro at his job and everyone who gets to know him finds out how amazing he is.

To Nick: thanks for everything you do... I'm glad we're a team and I honestly could not do my job without you!

30 DAYS OF THX project inspired by ThxThxThx (#30daysofthx)

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